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Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Dota Guides-Ursa-


The Ursa Warrior

Alt + Tab Mini Guide

skill build:
item build

p.s. before you start disagreeing with me about the extension items and skill build please take note the justification on the items and skill build section.Thanks.


hi all iam back with a guide on one of my favorite heroes in dota,Ulfsaar The Ursa Warrior.Ursa is one of those Point-Click-Dead type of heroes so playing him wont be as hard as breaking a coconut with a hand so even a noob can understand.Ursa is a very good hero killer and farmer due to his skill that gives stackable bonus damage which can be done extremly fast.To top it all up,he also has a stun,adding to their misery.This guide is intended for both professionals and begginers to teach them about this fuzzy bear.Enjoy!

Basic information about fuzzy wuzzy

Part 1: hero information

Pros and cons:


[+] fast hero killer
[+] fast farmer
[+] fast pusher
[+] average damage
[+] good strength and strength gain for an agility hero
[+] average movespeed
[+] the king of the jungle
[+] roshan's nightmare
[+] fuzzy


[-] bad inteligence and inteligence growth
[-] hero killing abilities are ruined when purged or silenced
[-] blademail counters ursa
[-] not a good warder
[-] below average starting mana

Ursa Warrior

* Strength
23 + 2.9
* Agility
18 + 2.1
* Intelligence
16 + 1.5

* Affiliation: Neutral
* Attack Animation: 0.3 / 0.3
* Damage: 45 - 49
* Casting Animation: 0.5 / 0.51
* Armor: 4.6
* Base Attack Time: 1.7
* Movespeed: 310
* Missile Speed: Instant
* Attack Range: 100 (melee)
* Sight Range: 1800 / 800

notes: Ursa is one of the few agility heroes with high strength and strength growth and still have above average agility and agility gain so he scales well unto late game although his intelligence and intelligence growth is poor.That is one of the reasons we get lynkens sphere.It gives you damage,attack speed,armor,hit points and hit point regeneration(very important for enrage to get its full potential)and it does greatly to your mana pool and mana regeneration.Also the spell block is very game breaking in certain line ups with a single disable.

Skill information:


your main nuke.Unlike other nukes that need to be maxed out early to be effective,this nuke is not loved because of the damage.The 55% slow allows 2 level 4 overpowers to hit the target.Without this skill ursa can have a hard time killing targets which have a higher ms than ursa.Skill this late game for fury swipes and overpower are a higher priority.
Slams the ground, dealing damage to and slowing the movement speed of nearby enemy land units.
Level 1 -- 75 mana 70 damage, 25% slow
Level 2 -- 75 mana 120 damage, 35% slow
Level 3 -- 75 mana 170 damage, 45% slow
Level 4 -- 75 mana 220 damage, 55% slow
4secs duration at all levels
7secs cooldown at all levels
365 Area of effect at all levels
Usage: This skill is really easy to use.However there are two points you never use this skill for.
A. Dont use this skill to harass.Remember, people love this skill due to the slow and not the damage.Use physical attacks to harass.Ursa is not an int type.If you want to spam skills then check another guide.
B.Never rely on this skill to farm.Just use this skill to last hit and not farm.Fury swipes does a better job at that.

Your steroid spell.Since you have maximum attack speed when buffed by overpower it has great synergy with the heavy movement speed reduction with earthshock.This skill has a 0.5 second casting animation so always cast this before earthshock.You dont want to have a full 1 second delay by just casting 2 skills.
Sends Ulfsaar into a rage until he can expend his energy on a target.
Level 1 -- 45 mana, 400% increased attack speed for 3 attacks
Level 2 -- 55 mana, 400% increased attack speed for 4 attacks
Level 3 -- 65 mana, 400% increased attack speed for 5 attacks
Level 4 -- 75 mana, 400% increased attack speed for 6 attacks
15secs duration at all levels
10secs cooldown at all levels
Usage: This skill is really easy to use.You should use it for hero killing only.Once your mana pool and regeneration is decent enough you can use this skill to push,counter push,farm,jungle,rosh,gank anything.It just speeds up the process.

Fury Swipes
Your passive skill.Since it deals stackable damage it has great synergy with overpower.With 2 consecutive overpowers you could deal 600 PURE DAMAGE!That is if you have enrage active.Without enrage you will still deal a medium damage of 300 PURE DAMAGE to one target.that is at max level.Even though the stack at level 1 is not that high,it skill makes a good farming and lane staying tool.see the items section for why.
Each attack opens the wound deeper in the target, causing subsequent attacks to deal increased damage.
Level 1 -- 5secs, 10 bonus dmg per attack
Level 2 -- 5secs, 15 bonus dmg per attack
Level 3 -- 5secs, 20 bonus dmg per attack
Level 4 -- 5secs, 25 bonus dmg per attack
• This is an orb effect.
• Counter gets reset after 5 seconds.
Usage: not much to explain here since it is a passive skill.Just skill it and watch as you own people.Dont harass with this skill unless you are side by side when going in for last hits,You might feel greedy and die.Or you might chase him into the tower and meet his ally.Dont worry.You may harass if you have a slower/disabler.

This is the skill that makes Ursa so feared.If you deal 25 stackable damage per attack from fury swipes alone then with this skill you deal 50 stackable damage from fury swipes alone.This skill doubles the damage dealt by fury swipes AND gives extra damage based on the % of life remaining.So why do we get life items?Because the more life you have the percent will automatically adjust.Granting more bonus damage.Also life steal items are also percent based so increasing damage by enrage and fury swipes gives even more life steal than the normal life steal.Because of its low cooldown and 0 mana cost and its effectiveness it is a priority to max this skill any chance you get.
When activated, greatly increases Ulfsaar's damage based on his current life.
Level 1 -- 4% of current life is dealt in damage.
Level 1 -- 5% of current life is dealt in damage.
Level 1 -- 6% of current life is dealt in damage.
15secs duration at all levels
25secs cooldown at all levels
o mana cost
• Doubles the damage dealt by Fury Swipes.
Usage:Due to its high effectiveness,low cooldown and absolutely zero mana cost, use it anytime you can.Seriously.It makes farming,pushing,killing,jungling and roshing even easier and there is absolutely no downside to this skill.Dont forget to use it anytime you can but dont use it if you are doing nothing.Get killing.It is not yet hibernation season yet.

a step by step guide.

step 1: skill build

skill build

level 1. earthshock
level 2. fury swipes
level 3. overpower
level 4. fury swipes
level 5. overpower
level 6. enrage
level 7. fury swipes
level 8. overpower
level 9. fury swipes
level 10. overpower
level 11. enrage
level 12-14. earthshock
level 16. enrage


I like this skill build for it is very flexible.One point in earthshock just in case harassment is very high so you can snatch some last hits in safety range,to slow the enemy if first blood is in their favor and to get a first blood in counjuction with fury swipes and overpower if it is possible.then we max out our farming spells.Dont spam overpower yet.But use it if the situation calls for it.Dont worry.In most games there wont be a first blood until someone is level 3-4 so it allows you to get your other skills.we skill earthshock once more when fury swipes and overpower are maxed out.we skill stats last and enrage everytime we get.

step 2a: laning

Item build:

starting off:

set 1 : stout shield, tango of essifation, healing salve
price:440 gold
advantage slight damage block and loads of heal and lane staying capability.

notes: recommended for beginners for it provides easy farming since you will be staying long on your lane and provides protection against both orb walkers(tangos) and spell casters(salves).

set 2 : poor man's shield, ironwood branch
price: 603 gold
advantages: good jungling capabilities, assured damage block against physical harassment and slight stats.

notes: recommended for more advanced players since it provides easier jungling and creep pulling.Use if you prefer being the king of the jungle and still make an appearance timely on the minimap to farm last hits.It also keeps fear up in enemy ranks since you could be ''stalking'' them and waiting for the oppurtunity since you only come out to get last hits.take set 1 if you prefer staying in your lane longer than the jungle and if you dont know what kind of lane your up to.You might get ambushed after pulling 1 creep camp.

set 3: ring of bassilius, tango of essifation
advantages: armor,mana regen,slight damage and a head start on our first big item,vlads.

notes: this is recommended for intermediate players that know how to survive and disregard the huge supply of heal of set 1 but cant take the pain of set 2.Unlike set 2 for fast last hitters(depends on player skill) this one is for slow last hitters so they can make vlads just in time.

set 1: beginners
set 3: intermediate
set 2: experienced

* Head off to top lane for easier access to jungle. Stick to lane to farm last hits
* Pull neutrals creeps whenever possible (if ally isn't doing it)
* Get a RoR from sideshop for hp regen once you have 350 gold
* Lvl1 Overpower + Lvl 1 Fury Swipe does decent harass dmg. Works well when paired with an ally with a disable/slow

step 2b: jungling

ussualy in 5-7 minutes you reach level 6.Jungling is easier now and Ursa's reliance of creep pulling fall drasticaly since fury swipes deal double damage now to take off higher level creeps.

tips on easy jungling:
tip 1: double overpower

* cast 1 overpower.
* wait for the cooldown
* during the last few seconds of overpower use all left.
* recast overpower
* profit

p.s. this applies to hero killing and roshing as well.

tip 2: courier delivery

* for sure you would come back home after getting bassilius and ring of regeneration(if you are a fast farmer you may get both).
* dont use your money.come home with these items and at least 200-400 gold.
* buy a chicken or crow
* farm the rest of your vlads

p.s. if you cant buy a courier for your lane target is a fast farmer then just by from sideshop.

Step 3: Roshan + getting your Blink Dagger
Usually, within 10-12 minutes all components for a Vladmir's Offering can be bought.
You should be approximately level 7 by now.

* Head off to the Ancient Creeps camp for easy money first. Clear them with Double Overpower tactic
* Again with Double Overpower, take out Roshan. You should be near full health when he is dead.
* Head back to Ancient Creeps to clear them again. They should have respawned by now. By now, you should be around Level 9

Farming for Blink Dagger

* Ancient Creeps are great money source so try to stick to laning the bottom lane for last hits. Alternate between the two. If lane pushed too far, go ancient creeping.
* Alternatively, jungle in Sentinel's forest if you know it is safe and go ancient creeping in between.
* Aside from Dagger, you need some gold for a pair of boots too of course

p.s. if your playing pub get lothars.if inhouse get dagger.

step 4:

execution time:


with these items and a level in earthshock it is time to search for lone heroes.before the start of the game please ask anyone to ward the ancient creepspots.They are number 1 money sources for other junglers such as carrys that want to farm in ''peace''.

Make sure the one you will kill does not have:
* disable ( could escape and ward back.)
* stun ( could escape and ward back.)
* speed boosting skill ( can run and ward back.)
* blink ( can escape and ward back.)

if they dont have any of these then it is a sure kill.unless he has a hidden babysitter.

step 5: problems no ''ordinary'' bear can solve.fortunately ursa is no ''ordinary'' bear.

problem 1: hp is not a problem since you will be near full hp after getting a kill because of lifesteal but mana is a will be returning to your fountain often.


solves your mana problems.also she makes a great lane partner as well.

the next best item of choice.Ursa benefits from all it gives and it also has a handy spell block.

Problem 2: You can't seem to be getting kills because there are too many stunners in the opposing team and/or they seem to cluster together. Never a chance to pick off lone targets.


pick ursa if the enemy team is composed of 1 disable people.if in game then we have solutions too.

focus on farming this.if you got linkens then dont get it.choose only one.I prefer linkens so you just have to wait till they clash and wait for those big time stuns to be cast then blink in.Wait for an ally to initiate. If he can soak in the stun for you, you can blink in without being disabled to finish him off. During major teamfights, do the same by hanging around at the back and wait for opponents to release their stuns. Do not blink in into the main fray however, pick off those casters at the far back first. The key is to eliminate all the soft casters with disables and slows. Engage another target only if you have Overpower + Enrage on. Earthshock is spammable as well, provided you have ample mana. Otherwise wait for your Dagger to cooldown for the next opportunity to kill.

Step 6:
Roshan every 10 minutes
Take note of the timing you last killed Roshan. He spawns every 10mins after death. You get Cheese + Aegis from the 3rd kill onwards (30mins+)

Tactical usage of Aegis and Cheese:
- Ursa should get the Aegis, pass the Cheese to your next best Carry.
- Upon having an Aegis, you might want to organize a team push since Aegis (and Cheese) raises the chances of a successful push.
- If you die while holding Aegis and 5 enemy heroes are camping beside you, immediately Blink away when you revive. You shouldn't recklessly die this way in the first place, but it does happen once in a while.
(A crude way is to spam blink hotkey and click on a safe spot)

step 7: empty on some of your item slots?

so you got vlads,phase boots(if you took the extension),dagger or lothars,linkens/bkb and none none.I suggest you take butterfly and heart.Ursa cannot use bashes,crits,orbs so rely on damage items without another effect involving your attack.Evasion does not count.finnaly.get a heart.

Step 8: Watch out for counters
Some Specific Counters against Ursa

* Blademail is great and all, but often it is the item that will be used to counter you. So watch out for those spikes after you Blink + Stomp into the crowd. Don't target them.
* Purge from Diffusal kills your Overpower and slows you to a crawl.
* Disables that passes through BKB. Bane (Atropos) is one hell of a nuisance for Ursa especially during early game. He will sleep you often. And his Ultimate passes through BKB, so watch out.
* Mega-slowers like Viper and Lanaya can be as irritating as disablers/stunners
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