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Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Dota Guides -Ogre Magi-

Aggron Stonebreaker the Ogre Magi

Two beards = Manlier than Axe


Skill Build:
1Fireblast6Multi Cast11Multi Cast
    16Multi Cast






Being inspired by a well written guide made by Kawumm and some massive forum ranting/PDGG gaming I decided it has come time for me to write a guide on one of my favorite heroes. Ogre magi. Thanks to Kawumm who let me use his template for the purpose of my guide.

I wanted to write a guide for some time but I had not thought myself ready. After getting familiar with the guide system and receiving a nice template to base it off of I decided to write it. I originally intended a N'aix guide but decided Ogre Magi was a hero I knew better and that people would more likely seek information on. My goal is that this guide can act as a resource for both players new and old who want to seek information on ogre magi. If you disagree with something in this guide feel free to debate it with me. My opinions change constantly and I do accept others opinions and feedback. I will try to keep this guide updated with new versions and information. So anyways here it is! Enjoy.

Basic information about Aggron Stonebreaker the Ogre Magi

Ogre Magi currently isn't used much, neither in competitive DotA nor in public games. His Multicast was nerfed around 6.60, Aghanims was removed for him and Bloodstone (one of his key items) was also nerfed. After these events Ogre was completely forgotten and dubbed by all to be "shit tier." He is by no means an awful hero and in fact is still quite viable. The main discouraging factors are his reliance on some luck and his poor intelligence gain. Ogre Magi is a strength-intelligence hybrid who has absolutely amazing survivability to make up for his lack of mana. Ogre Magi is very useful when you need a support hero who can take some hits and scales well into late game (especially handy when the rest of your team is squishy) and he is also a potent nuker who can potentially unleash a 6-second cooldown level 3 laguna blade with a stun-tacked on! He is extremely noob friendly and is very effective when used properly. He has a powerful crit ability that applies to your spells instead of physical attacks! He also provides your team with a powerful steroid spell which can turn an underfarmed carry hero into a beastly power house.


  • Powerful stun and long lasting slow
  • Noob friendly
  • Scales well into late-game
  • Extremely beefy intelligence hero who makes strength heroes jealous
  • Strong Ganker with fireblast/ignite
  • Extremely spammable steroid spell
  • Multicast causes devastation


  • Melee intelligence
  • Poor starting mana
  • Poor int gain
  • Multicast however devastating cannot be relied on 100% of the time
  • Fireblast is weak until its level 4
  • Poor warder due to being melee

Ogre's Role's:

To define his role, lets look what he is good at. That would be:

1. Ganking
2. Supporting
3. Disabling
4. Farming
5. Tanking

In the order that he is best at.

Though Ogre Magi is a decent farmer you should only be farming when there is absolutely nothing better you can be doing. Ogre is also not a carry nor an extremely effective tank. Your role should be to gank enemy carries and support your team in fights. Ogre has an advantage over other nukers as to being VERY beefy. You should take some damage in fights but never build Ogre strictly as a tank; your stats will give you all you should require. Ogre should NEVER initiate. However after your initiator starts the fight you should be the guy that rushes in next (and your massive hp will support you in this). In team battles your priority is to bloodlust your allies and spam fireblast and ignite on the most threatening target. Ogre should generally buy the team courier and should always ward for his team. He cannot counter-ward well because of being melee but you can at the very least pay for sentry-wards so that a ranged ally can use them.

Why Ogre is not a "true" tank:

To understand why OM is not a tank you must understand first what a tank is. By my definiton a tank must be able to draw lots of attention and be able to handle it when he is focused. Ogre Magi is very beefy BUT despite his high base armor, his low agi gain means that late game his armor is lower than average and he also has no tanking passives to aid him in his endeavours. He can draw attention to himself but only while he is spamming fireblast (ogre without mana is easy to ignore) so building him as a tank will make you even beefier but you won't have the mana to deal the damage that draws attention to you in the first place... Building Ogre as a tank is also wasting his supporting and nuking potential and in the end will never get full results of a hero with full-on tanking potential.

Hero Stats:

Strength: 23 + 3.2
Agility: 14 + 1.55
Intelligence: 17 + 1.9

Damage: 58 - 64
Armor: 5
Movespeed: 295
Attack Range: Melee

Note: Ogre Magi has very good starting stats aside from his intelligence. He has good strength and his high armor combined with his good base damage and amazing attack animation (0.3/0.3) allow for easy last-hitting in lane. His movespeed is slightly below the average of 300 but bloodlust solves this problem for you. Your intelligence is the lowest for an int hero in both its starting value and the amount gained per level. This makes it your main concern throughout the game.


Fire Blast

Your primary nuke. It deals relatively low damage until level 4 due to its uneven scaling. It becomes much stronger once multi-cast is skilled. It also is almost impossible to dodge since no projectile is fired. (It hits near-instantaneously) For info on how multicast affects it see below.

Level 1: 75 damage.
Level 2: 125 damage.
Level 3: 175 damage.
Level 4: 275 damage.

Manacost: 75/85/95/105
Cooldown: 12
Casting Range: 600

• Damage type: magical
• When Multicast, Fireblast hits the same target each time with a 0.3 seconds interval. This makes it a (1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4) second stun depending on the Multicast.
• Mana cost is increased by 30/80/110 when learning Multicast.
• Cooldown is decreased by 2/4/6 seconds when learning Multicast

Fireblast has no projectile so it's harder to dodge then most stuns but dodging IS possible. (See above)


Fireblast is really easy to use. However, there are two key things that it should NEVER be used for:

A. DO NOT use on creeps... EVER.
B. DO NOT Spam/Harass excessively in lane (once your mana pool is decent enough SPAM AWAY)

In lane cast it when an enemy hero channels or gets to close to your tower but generally you want to save it unless your going for a kill. In ganks always use it first and in team fights spam it on the most threatening hero every chance you get. Always cast BEFORE using ignite.(see below for why)


Your secondary nuke. It deals moderate damage over-time and a moderate slow. Despite this it has 3 key advantages over most other DoT slows.

A. Whopping 7.5 second duration!
B. Extremely long cast range of 700.
C. Very nice AoE once Multicast is skilled.

At first it will seem weak in comparison to similar spells but the AoE alone and the insane amount of time it lasts along with its relatively short cooldown make it an extremely effective spell in any arsenal.

Level 1: 10 damage/sec; 10% slow
Level 2: 20 damage/sec; 15% slow
Level 3: 30 damage/sec; 20% slow
Level 4: 40 damage/sec; 25% slow

Manacost: 95/105/115/125
Cooldown: 15
Casting Range: 700

• Damage type: magical
• AoE (with Multicast): 150/300/450
• You do not have to “Multicast” the AoE. It is permanent after Multicast is skilled.

This shows the AoE of Ignite at each level.


During laning, only use it when going for a kill. It is pretty weaksauce at early levels but that changes quickly. It is an excellent farming tool that can kill a full hp range creep but should not be used until Multicast is skilled atleast once. (It's a waste to hit only one creep with this.) When going for kills always cast AFTER Fireblast. The cast range is longer and it does not stun so if you cast this first the opponent often will get away (or counterattack) before you can use Fireblast. In fights try to cast in the center of the battle to hit the most opponents possible. When using it for farming try to make sure the ranged creeps are in its AoE.


Your steroid spell. Early levels have a long cooldown and aren't very useful but later on (when its needed most) it becomes VERY spammable and multicasting makes it possible in fights to near perma-bloodlust not just your carries BUT YOUR WHOLE TEAM.

Level 1: Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 6%
Level 2: Increases attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 9%
Level 3: Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 12%
Level 4: Increases attack speed by 50% and movement speed by 15%

Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 20
Casting Range: 600

• When Multicast, nearby allies will be selected randomly in an 600 AoE to be Bloodlusted.
• Multicast reduces the cooldown by 5/10/15.

Bloodlusted units are slightly larger in size and have a glowy animation on there hands. Makes your chunky size even scarier!


Real simple. Cast it on your carries and watch them own people. Its low cost makes spamming easy even with Ogre's terrible mana pool. Multicasting it combined with its awesome cooldown reduction via multicast make it really easy to have your whole team buffed. Do not cast on creeps. (however the occasionally receive it from your multicasts) This is probably the games most spammable buff and arguably one of the best ones. It has a long duration at all levels and the MS bonus makes it great when fleeing. Use it on yourself or allies, especially those with low MS/low AS (Faceless Void loves you. <3) Outside of battle you can use it on yourself just for the bonus MS when going to and from the fountain or lanes etc.

Multi Cast

Your ultimate. It passively amps up the power of your other skills. It's what makes you scale well into late-game and why your so scary. Essentially, a crit ability but it applies to spells not attacks. It is chanced based but this makes it far from ineffective. See below for how it specifically affects your other skills.

Level 1: 25% chance to cast twice.
Level 2: 40% chance to cast twice. 20% chance to cast three times.
Level 3: 50% chance to cast twice. 25% chance to cast three times. 12.5% chance to cast 4 times.


• Gives Fireblast and Bloodlust a chance to cast multiple times and makes Ignite an AoE spell.
• Increases Fireblast manacost 30/80/110 and decreases its cooldown by 2/4/6.
• Ignite gains a 150/300/450 AoE centered around the unit you target.
• Bloodlust's cooldown is decreased by 5/10/15.
• The chances mentioned are the chance to get at least that many casts.
• Typing the -mc command will give your multicasting stats.

When you get a Multicast a nice red text appears that tells you how much the multicast was.


Not much you can say here. But the more you spam fireblast and bloodlust the more times you will multicast. An extremely under-rated skill that can annihilate in battles on often mean the difference between success and failure.


Level 1:Fireblast
Level 2:Ignite
Level 3: Fireblast
Level 4:Ignite
Level 5:Fireblast
Level 6: Multi Cast/Ignite
Level 7: Fireblast
Level 8: Ignite
Level 9: Ignite/Multi Cast
Level 10: Bloodlust
Level 11: Multi Cast
Level 12: Bloodlust
Level 13: Bloodlust
Level 14: Bloodlust
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Multi Cast
Levels 17-25: Stats


This is the most generic and widely accepted Ogre skill build there is and it hardly even needs justification. You may take Multicast at 9 instead of 6 to save mana on Fireblast and to get the extre level of Ignite. However the primary build is generally the best and most reliable.

Note: You can experiment with skill builds all you want but whatever you do Fireblast is ALWAYS maxed first. Nuff said.


Ogre is fairly item-independant. However he has one key issue you must address to be effective. His horrid mana pool. Once your mana is at reasonably spammable levels you should build additional support items and spend more on wards.

Starting items:


Ogre Magi is a support hero, so you should alway buy either wards or chicken at the start of the game. Mantles are to make nulls later but branches can be gotten instead to make a wand. If you think you'll be facing spammers get a magic stick. Simply put any small combination of some of these items can be effective as long as you buy chicken or wards. Quelling Blade is also great and allows you to completely out-cs enemy carries with your sexy animation and high base damage. Your starting items can vary from game to game but should contain some of the items above.


> ,()

Ogre has a very cheap but useful core. These items are the minimum he needs to play his role effectively. Although additional items are awesome this is all ogre needs. Do not think that think you need ALL of these.
  • [BOOTS] Must be gotten but upgrading them is not a requirement.
  • [NULLS/WAND] Get 1; 2 if your dieing alot or laning poorly. They help your mana tremendously early game. If you got branches instead of mantles it may be replaced by magic wand.
  • [BOTTLE/URN] 99% of the time get a bottle. Urn is only a viable alternative when your team has too many bottle users. Both good items but bottle is superior. Bottle is the better choice because Urn gives useless strength and regen which is only good if your Int is high (which its not). DO NOT EVER GET BOTH. Co-ordinate with your team. If too many of your allies have bottles get an urn. Otherwise, stick with the bottle.
  • [SOUL RING] 6.67 added the sexiest item of all time. The soul ring has ridiculously easy to farm components and fits ogre perfectly. Your large HP makes trading some health for mana absolutely no problem and the soul ring is the cheapest way to solve ogres mana problems. In fact, you can skip alot of the cheap mana items to get this.
  • [WARDS] Never underestimate the power of warding.
  • [RING OF BASILIUS] Optional. Gives nice mana, and some armor. Get this if you plan to make a vlad's later in the game.

Possible Extensions:

Ogre doesn't need much more but he is a good farmer so it should not be hard to get some of these. Your core should provide enough mana to last so you don't necessarily need to aim for additional mana items. Read the game. Get as many or as few of these as you think you need and adjust to the situation.
  • [EULS] Provides some movespeed, enough mana regen to keep you going and an additional (though not terribly synergetic) disable. A perfect item after your core. Most of the time you will end up getting this. When building always get the voidstone first. If you get this DO NOT get an arcane ring.*RECOMMENDED*
  • [ARCANE RING] Arcane ring was buffed in 6.67 to provide even more armor than before! Provides a sexy +4 armor and boosts your mana pool by 300. A good alternative to Euls depending on the situation. It must be used as a TEAM ITEM to be a better choice. If the rest of your team does not benefit from the mana it provides then stick to getting something else. An example of when this really shines is when ogre is used in a push strategy.
  • [FORCE STAFF] A handy item. You can force yourself up cliffs or force people closer to your allies. Its uses are endless though it is certainly not an outstanding item for Ogre in anyway because his spells aren't hard to aim.
  • [PIPE] Hood works great with ogres massive hp and pipe is never a bad item to have on your team. It is a situational item only do not get this unless the other team has LOTS of nukes.
  • [VLADS] A perfect extension for your ring of basilius and to make matters better ogre is melee so it's useful for you as well when your team is not around. Do not get unless you have atleast one melee carry on your team.
  • [NECROBOOK] Is good to win ward wars and counter heroes that rely on invisibility, and this especially applies to ogre since he cannot kill wards on cliffs without this. Not really worth getting unless the enemy has lots of invisibility that needs countering or if your desperately losing warding wars.
  • [WARDS] NEVER underestimate the power of warding. See a pattern? *RECOMMENDED*
  • [BOOTS OF TRAVEL] Provides insane MS with bloodlust and gives you some nice mobility to farm better items and assure attendance in team fights. The only viable extension to ogres boots.*RECOMMENDED*

Note: One necro/vlads/pipe is really enough for a team, so ask your allies if they intend to buy one or what specific items they think they will need from you. Ogre does not need all these items and you should never feel required to build anything past your core. Don't freak out if you get extra money though. It's acceptable as long as you didn't steal it from people who need it more than you. You may get as many or as few of these items as your team needs as long as you have your core/enough mana to survive.

Potential Luxuries:

Steal too much farm? Killsteal like mad? Or are you just that freaking good? Not a problem. Ogre has many potential luxury items.
  • [ORCHID] Great item. Boosts your physical DPS, gives massive regen and soul burn has great synergy with your spells. Not only does it further amp up that X4 multicast it also prevents foes from using escape skills or nuking you back.
  • [BLOODSTONE] After the bloodstone nerfs people forgot this item was good. Well I got news for you. It still is. It provides loards of additional HP and MP and the more kills you get the better the regen becomes. Ogre has an easy time gaining charges with fireblast and has an even easier time holding on to them due to being naturally tanky. *RECOMMENDED*
  • [BLADEMAIL] But Supersheep! You said Ogre Magi isn't a tank! Why would he get this!? Well kids thats because blademail isn't necessarily for tanks. Blademail can also be useful on heroes with two main qualities. A. Can easily draw attention to self (but do not want attention on self) B. Have enough hp that the damage return will be an effective deterent when focused. Blademail draws alot of un-wanted attention off you and if opponents are stupid enough to ignore the damage return there HP will usually drain much faster than yours will. The stats it gives are also kinda nice. *RECOMMENDED*
  • [GUINSOOS] A good item on virtually any hero and ogre is no exception. Hex is an extremely nice disable and the mana it gives is infinite allowing ogre to spam fireblast to the max. *RECOMMENDED*
  • [GHOST SCEPTER] Physical DPS carries are no longer an issue with this item. A very effective counter item and you can still spam while you are ethereal.
  • [LINKENS] Great stats and the spell block is irreplacable against certain lineups. Situationally can be very game breaking and Ogre benefits well from all it gives.
  • [SHIVAS] Gives lots of int and its slow combined with ignite is very powerful. The minus AS aura is a good counter to physical DPS'ers as well as the large armor bonus it gives.

Note: Even though Ogre Magi is an excellent support hero by nature, he also happens to be a good farmer. This makes it perfectly viable to rush one of those luxury items on him. A fast guinsoos or Bloodstone for example is always welcome (as long as you are doing well that is). Just dont steal farm from heroes that need it more than you do.



Ogre Magi should generally NOT solo. He is a melee hero and chunky or not he has little lane control and spamming fireblast for harassment is not possible early in the game. Any lane is good for ogre but he should almost always be in a dual lane. Ogre lanes best with a ranged hero, preferably with another stun. He makes an annoying dual stun lane with somebody like VS or Lion and can help draw FB easily with allied support. However, you should not spam fireblast to liberally unless your laning with a mana battery like KotL. Save it for when your going for a kill and always ensure you have enough mana to cast it again before you use it. Ogre can last hit and deny very well with a QB and unless your against serious harassment your HP and armor should keep you alive til you reach level 6. Ogre should start ganking as soon as he reachs level 6 but can gank effectively before then when coupled with another disabler or stunner.

Ogre does not have alot of lane control so do not use him as a babysitter. Although ogre can go to pretty much any lane he does best in the offensive lanes (Top sentinel/Bottom scourge) Ogre is strong enough he doesn't need the easy lanes to survive and if you put him in the defensive lane its usually in place of a carry who needs it more than you do. Again Ogre has enough survivability to take on the dangerous lanes without much issue, so you should most likely go there. (Top sentinel/Bottom scourge)


An option to consider as opposed to laning is roaming. Roaming will help your carries farm by ganking there lanes but will leave you significantly underleveled if not done properly. Ogre is not an extremely potent roamer but by no means a bad one either. I would be lieing if I said that I have alot of experience roaming with Ogre (because I do not) but the important thing is to make sure to manage your mana well and always be on the move. Make sure you strike when your allies are ready and always aim for carries as high priority targets.


Ogre is an extremely effective ganker. Once you have most of your core and some wards you can start roaming and gank non-stop. Your spells are easy to use just make sure that any allies nearby participate in the ambush. The success of a gank can often be based on whether you multicast or not. From level 6-11 a 2x multicast can insta-gib most fragile heroes and leave tougher ones with low enough HP for your allies to finish them. However just because you didn't multicast doesn't mean you should walk away. The spell has a 10 second cooldown (with one level of MC) and you still have ignite and whatever your allies nearby have to offer. Simply put you don't NEED multicast to suceed but getting a multicast makes it REALLY easy to kill someone.

Usually you want to initiate the gank with Fireblast and let your ally beat on them during the stun. Use Ignite immediately after Fireblast and then start beating on the target with your club. If you can chase the target far enough to use Fireblast again without getting in much danger by all means do so. The more fireblasts you can get on them the more likely you will get that prized multicast. (which 99% of the time will finish the job if there damaged already)


Ogre can help his team in pushes using Ignite. Especially at higher multicast levels when the AoE is large enough to hit the whole creep wave. Ogre has no tower destroying skills but should always attend pushes if possible because bloodlust can be used on allies so they can wreck towers faster. Ogre is not an exceptional pusher compare to someone like brood or keeper of the light. But Ignite is still a very useful pushing tool capable of burning creep waves with relative ease.


To start you are not the initiator. Your job is to wait until your initiator starts the fight and then run in and wreck havoc. To make things easier to read I made step-by-step instructions for what to do during teamfights.

1. Wait for initiator to... initiate.
2. Find the most threatening hero on the opponents team. Usually the carry. Cast Fireblast on them and pray for a 4x Multicast!
3. Locate the hero who is in the most centrally clumped position in the fight. Cast Ignite on them. (try to get as many heroes in the AoE as possible)
4. Bloodlust any allies who are not bloodlusted, though this step can be completed prior to the fight.
5. Attack the nearest most threatening target with your club until you are capable of completing step 6.
6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 and 4 as necessary.
7. ?????
8. Profit.

WARNING: Actual experience may vary

Ogre is not a complicated hero. Your goal is to spam your spells at every cooldown and wack people with that sexy club of yours.
The thing that will define your success is whether you use your spells at the right time and on the correct people. This will come with experience but remember GENERALLY speaking these are your priority targets for your spells.

Fireblast: Enemy Carry/Disabler (depends who is the most threatening)
Ignite: Hero who has the most allies in close proximity to him/her/it. (If everyone is spread out too far then cast it on there carry)
Bloodlust: Your strongest carry THEN everyone else.


This is an essential part of playing support in an organized game. Keep in mind ogre is at a significant disadvantage warding because he is unable to kill wards enemies place on cliffs. (unless you get a necrobook) After reading through the few or so warding guides that exist I decided that these two are the best ones. (Kawumm also refers to one of them in in his THD guide) Everything you want to know about warding can be found in these.

Click HERE to visit Eumellein's Wardposition Guide.

Click HERE to visit Heldarions Total Warding Guide.

Good allies

The "A" Team:

These guys all have stuns (except viper but his slow is just as effective). They also all benefit extremely well from bloodlust. You want these guys and they want you. Excellent synergy.

Steroid Users:

They all like attackspeed and you give it to them free of charge. These guys cause chaos while bloodlusted. They also like your stun and slow. (but then again who doesn't)

Mana Batteries:

They give you the one thing you need most. Mana. They all make excellent lane partners and Crystal Maiden/Ezalor can do most of your warding for you.


I cannot stress how drastically these guys need to be bloodlusted. There bashing power increases effectiveness 10 fold with you backing them up. A basher hero with bloodlust is extremely hard to escape.

Summary: Heroes who need attackspeed, heroes with stuns, heroes who give mana and especially heroes who can bash.

Bad enemies


They don't care how beefy you are. They'll still kill you anyway.

Mana Sappers:

They decimate your preciously small mana supply and make you want to ragequit. Avoid if you want to keep your mana.


If you can't cast you can't do your job. They render you useless in fights.

Magic Resistance:

Magic resistance makes your powerful nukes do little damage. Pipe is an absolute nightmare in team fights.

Summary: Heroes who disregard your high hp, mana drainers, silencers and heroes with magic resistance are your biggest enemies. Avoid these guys at all costs.


I may add another later on. (if you got a good replay feel free to PM me!)-

Note: Go to the link to download the replay, click on the Freezer's Ogre Magi - Solo Mid"

Date: March/22/2010
Patch version: 1.24
Map: DotA Allstars 6.66b
Game mode: -cm
Game length: 35:21
Winner: TeG

IGG-lapiz (Bot)
IGG-Matka (Mid)
IGG-Gazhag (Top)
IGG-Gazhag (Top)
IGG-Gazhag (Jungle)

TeG-Ly0n^ (Bot)
TeG-RMP (Bot)
freezer1905- (Mid)
TeG-Coco (Roaming)
TeG-S0ny4ce (Top)

A significantly better replay than the one I previously had. No fun builds. No lag. This is a much better game overall and shows Ogre solo mid pretty effectively.


Thanks to The Other Guy for providing the replay, Heldarion/Eumellein for writing there great warding guides, Kawumm for letting me use his guide as a template, PerCo for being a victim, AduhAwas for the fireblast photo, Val for the format for the Alt+Tab miniguide, Moridin for his sexy pics and to everyone who read this guide and contributed!
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