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Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Dota Guides -Omniknight-

S.Rebel's Guide to the Omniknight

Before you begin reading this guide let's have a little intro first. So this is my second guide to ever be submitted to the PlayDota. The game play used in this guide would be organized, meaning you have to have a grasp on the basics of DotA and the guide is best used when your in a team that is competent. Aside from the competency of your team this guide is used for competitive gaming and not Pubs

Alt-Tab Mini-Guide
Skill Build:
1Repel6Repel/Guardian Angel11Guardian Angel
2Purification7Purification12Degen Aura
3Purification8Guardian Angel/Repel13Degen Aura
4Repel9Repel14Degen Aura
5Purification10Degen Aura15Stats
16Guardian Angel




Table of Contents

Hero Introduction
Purist Thuderwrath is a certified support hero and a great one at that. His mere presence in a clash can turn tides in favor of his allies. He can give any hero a free twelve second BKB effect. A heal and pseudo nuke that can change the outcome of any battle. An aura that can literally slow an enemy to a crawl. Lastly a superb ultimate that grants every ally around him near invulnerability status for seven whole seconds.

Hero Role
Supporting: Purist Thuderwrath is geared towards being a full support hero. His skills aims to make his allies survive clashes and ganks. He is usually found near the rear of every team casting his heals and repels. The only time he should be found in the center would be when he initiates his Guardian Angel.

Tanking and Initiating: He can get the job done but he isn't really meant to do either. He can tank but his supportive skills allows real tanks do their job more decently. And he can initiate but he can't initiate every clash making him unreliable. He shouldn't attract any attention to himself if possible so leave this jobs to the real tankers and initiators.

Nuking: He has only one spell to be considered as a nuke. It has a small AoE but it can deal serious damage. But Purist's shouldn't be considered a nuker at all. His nuke is unreliable as it requires the target of the heal to be within melee range of the enemy in order to deal damage. Better used as a supportive skill rather than a nuke.

Ganking: He can't initiate a gank and he contributes so little when it comes to disabling the target. His slow which is an aura, requires him to be in melee range of the target. Being in melee range could make the enemies shift their attention to you, which is very bad since you should always survive long enough to support your whole team. He can chase dying heroes but never chase alone.

Roaming, Carrying and Disabling : These roles are not even close to how Purist operates. He fails epically at roaming and at disabling he needs to get Euls or Guisoo to have a decent disable. And he can't carry as effective as "real" carries, he's not even at par with semi-carries.

Hero Statistics
Strength: 20+2.65
Agility: 15+1.75
intelligence: 17+1.8

Damage: 51~61
Armor: 4.1
Movespeed: 295

[+]Free twelve seconds BKB
[+]Free seven seconds immunity to physical damage
[+]A single allied hero is invulnerable for seven whole seconds.
[+]A great heal and pseudo-nuke
[+]An aura than can slow heroes down to a crawl
[+]Cheap mana costs for that free BKB
[+]Great team presence
[+]Good survivability
[+]Late game presence doesn't deteriorate

[-]Unreliable nuke
[-]Unreliable slow
[-]His slow requires him to be in melee range of enemy
[-]Poor starting mana, int gain and int
[-]Purge makes Purist useless
[-]Mana problems
[-]Item dependent

Purist Thuderwrath's Advanced Statistics

Skill Discussion
Purification - (Active)
__________Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units.

ManaCooldownC. RangeAoEDurationEffects
110012s400250N/AHeals/Damages 90 hit points
212012s400250N/AHeals/Damages 180 hit points
314012s400250N/AHeals/Damages 270 hit points
416012s400250N/AHeals/Damages 360 hit points

  • Great nuke
  • Great synergy with allies with blink or a movement skill(e.g. Timewalk, etc)
  • 360 Heal is big
  • Semi-spammable
  • Great push/anti-push skill
  • Cannot heal repelled allies

Repel - (Active)

__________Creates a powerful divine ward that blocks all magic from affecting a target unit.

ManaCooldownC. RangeAoEDurationEffects
15014s500N/A6sGrants Spell Immunity
25014s500N/A8sGrants Spell Immunity
35014s500N/A10sGrants Spell Immunity
45014s500N/A12sGrants Spell Immunity

  • Free BKB
  • Cheap mana costs
  • Long enough duration
  • Game breaking
  • Purge removes this
  • Can only repel one unit at a time.
  • Can dispel certain disables.(i.e. CM's Frostbite)
  • Guardian Angel will still affect repelled units, purify doesn't.
  • Rexxar's Primal Roar, Atropos' Fiend's Grip and Doombringers Doom, and some other ultimates, will still take effect on Repelled units but only the effect(i.e. Doom, Stun/slow, Disable) will take effect, no damage except for Doom. Doom does damage and silence.

Degen Aura - (Passive)

__________Greatly degenerates the movement capabilities of units that stray too near.

ManaCooldownC. RangeAoEDurationEffects
1N/AN/AN/A300N/AReduces movement speed by 7%
2N/AN/AN/A300N/AReduces movement speed by 14%
3N/AN/AN/A300N/AReduces movement speed by 21%
4N/AN/AN/A300N/AReduces movement speed by 28%

  • Great slow
  • Great synergy with heal-nuke
  • Good for chasing
  • Requires you to be in melee range of the target
  • Can help you juke
  • Haste gives you an almost sure kill in a gank

Guardian Angel - (Active)

__________Grants all nearby friendly units near physical invulnerability and increases hit point regeneration greatly.

ManaCooldownC. RangeAoEDurationEffects
1125150N/A6005s+1000 Armor and +25 HP Regeneration
2175150N/A6006s+1000 Armor and +25 HP Regeneration
3250150N/A6007s+1000 Armor and +25 HP Regeneration

  • Absolutely game breaking
  • A hero with Repel and Guardian Angel attains invulnerable like status
  • Great for pushing and clashes
  • Can be used to save that allied hero from that last hit
  • Affects repelled units.

Skill Build
Main Build
  1. Repel
  2. Purification
  3. Purification
  4. Repel
  5. Purification
  6. Repel/Guardian Angel
  7. Purification
  8. Guardian Angel/Repel
  9. Repel
  10. Degen Aura
  11. Guardian Angel
  12. Degen Aura
  13. Degen Aura
  14. Degen Aura
  15. Stats
  16. Guardian Angel
  17. Stats


At level one repel should be taken. A six second spell immunity is greater compared to a measly 90 heal or a 7% slow. Six whole seconds can seriously foil any attempt of first blood.

Next you should be maxing out Purification first and leveling Repel whenever possible. By maxing out Purification you gain a heal pseudo-nuke, where 360heal/damage can turn the tide of any gank.

Max out Repel next, having twelve whole seconds of spell immunity on your ganker or initiator will have no problems doing their job. Or you could cast in on your carry so he can easily wreak havoc among the enemy's ranks.

Guardian Angel is first taken at level eight then taken whenever possible afterward. Reason for it first being taken at that level is the mana constraints. The second reason is because ten seconds of spell immunity at early game surpasses five seconds of physical DPS. Remember at early game Spells > DPS usually. The only time you take Guardian Angel at level six is if the enemy has a strong early game DPS team.

Lastly max out Degen Aura last. Not much use except for chasing. Early levels of this is wasted as compared to taking purification and repel.

Item Build
  • Starting Items
    ______Build 1________________Build 2_______________Build 3


    Clarity Potions are taken for a simple reason, your game play is based on casting lots of spells even early game for either a kill or save. And you lack mana so this really does help.

    Tangos and Salve are for regeneration purposes, even if you have heal there are times you'd rather save mana for that emergency heal and times your really don't have mana.

    Ward/Chicken are yours to take because you are the support, but please don't take both you aren't a ranged support so you have to spend it on other things.

    GG Branch and Circlet are there for two things, one is damage for last hitting/denying and two for more int which means some more mana.

  • Core Build


    Scroll of Town Portal is always a necessity. You have to be where the action is to save that ally or chase that enemy down.

    Treads is important, it gives you mana when you need it, it gives you HP to last longer in clashes and improves your movement speed. Why treads over phase? You play Omni as a support more than a chaser so this will suffice.

    Soul Ring is the newly added item which IMO is Godly with Omniknight. You can cast more spells in clashes. You have a free 150 mana to cast Purification to clear waves. And this is definitely core since you can regain that HP loss in no time.

    Wards and Dust is common amongst supports and your no different.
    But you can't kill wards that you counter-ward so bring a ranged friend along to counter-ward.

  • Core-Extension

    ____Eul's Scepter offers mana regen, some more int which means more mana a disable and a nifty movement speed bonus. Things the purist could truly use.

    ____There is never too much heal in any clash. Your enemies will hate you and your allies will love you. Which means both sides will try to do suprise butt sex with you

    ____Necronomicon gives what you need in a nutshell. Movement speed, mana regen, HP and two little nasty buggers that drain mana. You and necro have synergy, your slow + little buggers draining mana, thats big DPS.

  • Luxury

    ____Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse provides all the mana you will ever need, more mana regen, some extra stats and an inexpensive disable. This is taken usually if Eul's doesn't fit the bill.

    ____Shiva's slow + your slow mean anyone within your aura range will be moving at a crawl.

    ____By late game you should have more than enough mana. Trade in treads for a TP anywhere ability. It helps reach clashes earlier.

  • Situational

    ____Things to consider before buying wand. Does the enemy have an abundant source of spell casters? Do you find your thirst for magic overwhelming? Did Harry Potter borrow you hammer? Did lion trade you his wand for your hammer? If yes then take this item.

    ____Force Staff, I have always branded this item as "always situational, never core". But if you wanna be Jedi go take it.

    ____An alternative to SR. It's great for keeping the ashes dry during those clashes that seem to follow you everywhere.

    ____Is your team doing a push strat? Did you accidentally buy energy booster? Then buy this item its also great.

    ____If you every skip SR and not aim to get Arcane. Get nulls

    ____Do enjoy chasing? Do you prefer chasing? As long as you have more than enough mana then this can be an alternative to treads.

    ____Movement is key in any clash. And you need to be at the center of your team when you use GA.

    ____Well some of your teammates are jealous why only one member gets that spell immunity. Then share the love and smoke that crack pipe.

    ____Are you bored getting bashed to death? Have you ff'ed cause of that imba wtfbbq crit Mortred just slapped you with? Do you like casper? Then buy Ghost Scepter and die to nukes! I mean be free from gay bashers.

  • Rejected

    ____You are a support so please stay away from DPS items.

    ____Blink will help out more. And being invi and having degen aura is not very synergetic IMO.

    ____You benefit more from mana regen items and raw mana. And you don't roam so you really won't make good use of the runes compared to true roamers.

    ____Seriously... Repel? Angel? Hello!?

    ____Your mana can't support a second GA and your other skills don't have long cooldowns.

    ____You are not a nuker. Don't even grab a single level of this.

    ____Whats the plan? Don't attract attention. What does this do? Why is this made? Axe?

    ____The added damage and AS is completely wasted on this hero. By the time you are able to farm for this you can buy better items like Guinsoo.

  • Item Discussion

    ____If you manage to farm this it could be worth it.
    Decision: Under Discussion

    ____Your not a rad carrier but you can suffice. Plus our slow ensures a very painful chase.
    Decision: No

    ____Seen this in some games in PDGG, it proved scary.
    Decision: No

    ____The aura late game could be proved useful, But the AS might be wasted.
    Decision: Under Discussion

    ____The regen, mana and HP is a welcome boost. Plus if ever you die you heal your allies. Gaining charges is no prob since you should be in almost every clash.
    Decision: Under Discussion

Game Plan
  • Choosing your lane

    ____So three lanes to choose from. Short, Mid and Long lanes. You do better at the side lanes where you can build up your Soul Ring easily and where you can baby sit one of the carries.

    For a more in depth look to which lane to take lets justify each lane. First mid lane, in my honest opinion Omniknight should never solo mid, never solo at all for that matter. He doesn't make good use of bottle, he lacks lane control compare to real solo's and he needs to build Soul Ring ASAP. The only time you would consider mid is if your carry takes mid and you have to babysit him there.

    Next we look at the side lanes. We have two options the short lane(Top for Sentinel and bottom for Scourge). Side lanes are good except you don't have the advantage of a closer tower protection and you are more susceptible to ganks and lack a pull spot. But nevertheless you are still capable of baby sitting here, but you will have a hard time at it if the enemy keeps pulling. The short lane is an acceptable choice, you can build Soul Ring from the side shop and babysit with not too much difficulty.

    Lastly we look at the complete opposite of the short lane. The long lane, which also has a side shop. Greatest advantage of the long lane is the pull spot and that tower protection. Disadvantage is usually this is where the enemy ganks more often. But compared to the short lane you'll have an easier time here. This lane is the more preferred lane of choice.

    Both side lanes are acceptable though although the long lane is more preferred over the other. Main reason for picking these lanes are the side shops and ease of baby sitting.

  • Laning

    ____Once you've chosen a sidelane here are your priorities whilst in the said lane:

    Purification: Ok it's simple you will always heal your ally before yourself. Don't worry too much about yourself because after all you are baby sitting and you have tangos and/or a salve. The only time you consider healing yourself is if your about to die or you already have SR or a mana regen item.

    Repel: This requires good decision making. Whenever your carry/semi-carry tries to take a creep always observe if the enemy is about to disable. If they do immediately cast repel on the enemy's target, either you or most likely the carry.

    Purification or Repel: So there will be situations where you ally or you have sustained enough damage from physical harassment and the enemy is about to launch a full scale skill fiesta. So the first to your should consider is does your carry/yourself sustained more than 50% HP loss? If yes then purification first, then repel afterward. If no then cast repel and maybe you and your lane mate can harass the enemy back.

    Getting Ganked:First of all this is the easiest scenario, IMO, to tackle. When they are about to gank they will always charge in or try to bait you and your lane mate. Safest thing to do is cast repel on yourself and scout the jungle before charging. Or you can just lay back and let the carry/semi-carry last hit creeps and wait for them to gank your lane mate. Once they being just cast Repel and problem solved. Repel removes most disable when you cast after the disable has taken effect.

    Mana Constraints: There are situations where you can only cast either purification or repel in this case only cast repel I would usually cast repel and retreat to the safety of fog and tower. The only time I recommend casting purification is only when death is achievable by physical dps.

    Harassing or Lane Control: Ok this is one of the problems of why Omniknight is such a rare pick as a baby sitter. He doesn't have much lane control, and he doesn't usually have enough mana to lane harass and protect at the same time. Another flaw in his lane control is that his one and only nuke is lethal only at melee range. So when against a melee hero it pretty simple, whenever they try to last hit a creep anticipate, observe and time your purification on that creep, the said hero will take damage and fail to take the last hit. Against range heroes its harder and you pretty much have to stick to denying and protecting your carry. With spell casters its the same with ranged heroes except you can repel yourself and attack them in melee range, but be cautious as you might die since you can't heal yourself.

    Dual Stunners & Tri-lanes: I will not lie to you about a lane with dual stunners and tri-lanes. These lanes are risky and dangerous to both you and your lane mate. In this type of lane your position is key to safety. You should refrain from being in the front lines, as much as possible stay in fog but within range of experience from dying creeps. Whenever they attempt to kill you or your ally cast repel and back. If you think you guys can get a kill while your ally is repelled go for it. But always remember safety before netting kills. Key here is position always remember that, when to use purification and repel is mention above.

  • Team Clashes

    This is where the Omniknight truly shines. So before a clash ever commences make it a habbit you cast Repel on your teams carry/initiator and always use SR before casting a skill to conserve mana.

    Once a clash has been initiated begin to purify your damaged or dying allies. Don't ever wait for moments where you can damage an enemy at the same time. Heal as soon as possible but be wise on who to heal.

    Whenever Repel's cd is over cast it back on your teams carry or a hero with a strong channeling spell(i.e. Rylai, Voljin).

    Now about Guardian Angel. Before casting always be at the center of the team so that all or most of the team receives the buff. Now when to cast should be when the enemy carry has shown himself, and when most of the super nukes have already been dropped. Don't randomly cast it.

    Degen Aura requires you to be in harms way so what I suggest is wait until most of the enemy is already down and retreating before going in and proceed to chasing and slowing.

    Basically stay out of harms way and keep casting those spells.

  • Ganking
    Basically all you do is, cast Repel on the ganker/nuker/carry.

    Purify whoever is taking the most damage from the enemy or heal to seal the frag if you think your team can't get the frag fast enough.

    And always try to be in melee range of the target hero. Your slow still plays an important role in ganking. Just don't push your luck.

    Use Guardian Angel only when you think you can get two or more kills or if your team could be counter ganked. Otherwise don't use it.

  • Pushing/Anti-Pushing
    Go to the center of the creeps cast purify on yourself or on teammate that is in the center of the wave. Don't forget to use SR before you cast Purification to conserve mana.

  • Warding
    At the beginning of the game if you end up buying the wards always ward to protect your lane and get some sight on that rune spot.

    For more information refer to these guides:

  • Early Game Goals
    1. Get boots first
    2. Proceed to build up and comeplete Soul Ring
    3. Continue farming and protecting your lane mate
  • Mid Game Goals
    1. Start particpating in small clashes
    2. Build up your next item begin with the mana regen always
    3. Push some towers and keep your carry safe
  • Late Game Goals
    1. Force clashes whenever GA is up
    2. Push those towers
    3. Finish

Friends and Foes
  • Carries

    You give your carry a free twelve second BKB allowing them to wreak havoc all they want.

  • Gankers

    You make these devious heroes fearless in any gank.

  • Initiators

    You make the manliest heroes in DotA moar manly giving them a certainty that they won't die as soon as they blink in.

  • Channelers

    Their dreadful ultimates are free reign with no interruptions.

  • Mobile Mana Fountains

    You'll never have to save that heal. Drop the bomb and let loose those spells of yours.

  • Special Metions

    The sight of Pudge is scary, but the sight of a pudge that is magic immune is scarier.

  • Disablers

    Ok this is a double edged sword, they hate you as much as you hate them. If YOU get caught in a chain disable or long stun, its over. But if your ally gets caught they have a fighting chance because a single repel mean they'll get out alive.

  • Silencers

    Useless caster is useless once silenced.

  • Mana Vampires

    Once again useless caster is useless without mana.

  • Ulti Fags

    These heroes and some others have their ultimates that still go through repel. To be exact their ultimates deal no damage but it's the side effect that makes them dangerous. Atropos' Fiend's Grip can still hold you down, Doombringer's Doom still silences you. Now Invoker on the other hand just has spells that go through repel such as Ice Wall and EMP.

  • Uncommon Encounters

    Though these heroes are uncommon counters they still can counter your spells. Take note Razor does an auto-purge whenever targeted with a spell and Panda has his storm Panda with a dispel skill.

  • Medusa...

    Defeat is at hand. Her ultimate purges GA and repel... You are utterly useless once she casts it at the right time. She also has snake making her a pseudo-mana vampire so be wary of her and try to keep a close watch on who she's targetting.

  • Diffusal

    Don't think for a second that Medusa is your only bane. Natural Diffusal carriers are also a hazard to you and your team. Any carrier of this take out your mana and your repel or GA.

Map: 6.66b
Version: 1.24

Lakuci vs DsD
Good game between Lakuci and DsD. Omniknight here is played as a full support and they employed a push strat using Arcane Ring. Omniknight displays how to use his spells effectively in this game.

Map: 6.67c
Version: 1.24e

PDGG Omniknight
PDGG game with me as omni. Epic bottom lane support, shows the use of SR and skills. Somewhat of an uncalled push strat because of Krobelus. And yes FunnyWarfare was annoyed with my Omni

Change log
  • 05/09/10: Guide created
  • 05/09/10: Added first half of the guide
  • 05/10/10: Completed the other half of the guide
  • 05/11/10: Had an Item discussion and made the change log
  • 05/11/10: Added Replay, Credits and Alt-Tab Mini-Guide sections
  • 05/13/10: Made some minor changes due to some reviews.
  • 05/13/10: Finally added the anchors
  • 05/14/10: Published!
  • 05/14/10: Revised some formatting, added Panda to foes and made a more detailed guide in Game Plan.
  • 05/16/10: Made some slight changes to skill build
  • 05/18/10: Made some minor changes in foes section.
  • 05/18/10: Visuals are almost done. YES!

    1. Must make some visuals

Credits goes to PlayDota for a reliable database.
IceFrog for creating a great game.
PDGG where I actually learned to play Omniknight.
FunnyWarfare for helpin' me out with the guide.
sargaras for pointing out special features relating to Repel and adding two heroes to foes
And to Heldarion and Lycan for the warding guides
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