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Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Dota Guides -Dark Terror-

~Table Of Contents
1. Hero's Story
They say he was once human, but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that he was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time. He can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. He can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that he can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move...
2. Hero Analysis
Faceless Void is a very fragile agility carry hero. Starts with very little health.Farming isn't that hard but it is risky.Getting kills early game is very hard but it is pleasing.In early game gank's you're supposed to fight but don't go too rambo because you will die.In mid game you're supposed to farm until you'll not have your ulti on cd.. if you're getting harassed call for a gang on your lane.In late game you're supposed to get kills and push.Don't forget Darkterror is one of the strongest carries out there.
3. Pros And Cons
[+]Very strong late game.
[+]Average movement speed.
[+]fairly item dependant
[+]Timelock is a Pause so it's better than a Bash
[+]Backtrack is insane if your lucky it can negate full laguna blades
[-]Can be very weak in mid game if he hasn't had a good early game same goes for late game
[-]Falls early game due to harassers.
[-]Puny health pool.
4. Hero's Skills
- Timewalk

Quickly moves to a target location and slows the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path for 3 seconds.

Level 1 - Cooldown:19 Seconds.Casting range 700
Level 2 - Cooldown:17 Seconds.Casting range 900
Level 3 - Cooldown:15 Seconds.Casting range 1100
Level 4 - Cooldown:13 Seconds.Casting range 1300

Cooldown: 19,17,15,13
Manacost: 120 All levels.
Description: Note:You Can escape from a lot of gangs and you can dodge spells with it but it is hard to do.And you can escape over trees and ramps.

- Backtrack

Whenever damage is received, Faceless Void moves a moment back in time to try to dodge that damage. Can backtrack both physical and magical attacks

Level 1 - 10% chance to dodge damage
Level 2 - 15% chance to dodge damage
Level 3 - 20% chance to dodge damage
Level 4 - 25% chance to dodge damage

Description: This is voids pseudo ''evasion''.It's called pseudo because it can dodge skills and cant be counter'd by mkb and can stack with the evasion of butterfly.Also works for nukes.

- Timelock

Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and lock a unit in time

Level 1 - 10% chance to bash, 40 bonus damage
Level 2 - 15% chance to bash, 50 bonus damage
Level 3 - 20% chance to bash, 60 bonus damage
Level 4 - 25% chance to bash, 70 bonus damage

Description:Pretty simple.You hit someone you've got a chance to lock him in place.Superior to bash since it also cancels regen on the bashed target iirc

- Chronosphere

Faceless Void creates a rip in spacetime causing all units in that area to become trapped for its duration. Faceless Void has a mysterious connection with spacetime that causes him to be unaffected by the sphere. Casting range increases per level.

Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds (4 with agha)
Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds (5 with agha)
Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds (6 with agha)

[b]Cooldown:120,110,100(75 with agha at all levels) seconds
Description: Void's signature ulti.Cast range is increased while lvl'ing it up But ill cover that up later.You can also use it to lock enemies so your ally's can attack them.Like this
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 880x473.
5. Hero's Skill Build
Lane Skill Build
Level 1 -Timewalk
Level 2 -Backtrack
Level 3 -Timewalk
Level 4 - Backtrack/Timelock
Level 5 -Timewalk
Level 6 -Chronosphere
Level 7 -Timewalk
Level 8 -Backtrack
Level 9 -Backtrack
Level 10 -Backtrack/Timelock
Level 11 -Chronosphere
Level 12 -Timelock
Level 13 -Timelock
Level 14 -Timelock
Level 15 -stats/Timelock/Backtrack
Level 16 -Chronosphere
Level 17+ -stats/Rest of skills

Skill Build Justification:
We get timewalk early because we need it to escape gangs and participate in them and we get backtrack early because we need more save farming and we need the tankiness.We get Timelock later because we need it in mid-late game for kills
6. Hero's Item Build
Early Game Item Build

We get the three GG branches because we need it later for a magic want and the salve and the tango for the regen and you choose between the stout shield and the axe. The axe is for farming and the stout is for upgrading it to a vanguard.
Mid Game Item Choices

It's a musthave on void:You need the surviveability it gives We need the avarage Ms it gives us and the As it gives us.

We get it because its very useful:We get the burst mana and heal which is very useful for mid game because you need the mana.

Again,a must have for void.It gives us the attack speed that we need,the ms boost is nice too.The 30% more damage taken isn't that big of a deal because we normally use this item for farming or in gangs in chronosphere.
If you're facing lot nukers/perma stunner's, get this.

If you cant farm the vanguard.This is the item for you.It gives you a little agility boost the damage block which is very useful.
Late game items

Voids best friend after MoM.It gives you attack speed evasion that stacks with your backtrack .It gives you the 30 agi and the 30 damage that you need.

Its my favourite item on void.It gives you cheap 65 damage the cleave that can be devistating in chronosphere and can be used for farming.

Awesome item on void.You can lifesteal the crit,You can 2-3 hit K.O squishy agi and int heroes.Awesome item indeed.

You NEED the surviveability.The hp it gives you is worth the money.Just get it if you can.

If no one has it in your team, get it.The Ias is worth it.
Optional items

The lion keeps f'in up your combos?...Get this the best solution to the lion combo.

Depends...if that mortred keeps escape'ing on 50 health?...Get this it will solve that problem.Also it gives you a bigger presence in team fights because you can use it to lock enemies in the way for your ally's to attack them.Again showing the same picture:
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 880x473.

Keep missing from the blind or the blur of mort?...Get this it will solve that.

If you cant farm/kill the money for Hearth,get this.

Riki keeps being a f**?...Ask someone else to carry it you're not a valid gem carrier.
Possible end game items

7. Hero's Strategy
Early Game

In the early game you're supposed to farm.Best lanes for you are bottom sentinel and top scourge.You can participate in gangs and you can get kills but it will be hard.If you're against an agressive lane you will have to lure the creeps and use the creep lureing technique.I'm going to give you an example but not from my guide.Here it is.All credits go to darkmedina
Creep Lure Technic:

Basics: creep, and tower AI: If you are close to the melee creeps, and you issue an attack command against the enemy hero the creeps will start to attack you. Because of that your own creeps will attack the other creeps. If the creeps are close to you, and the tower isn't attacking the enemy hero they will follow you even if the tower is hitting them. The towers priority is: those that attack the allied hero, the one that attacks the tower, the one that is close. This is all you have to know to accomplish the following movements:
If enemy creeps are coming for the tower and your creeps are still far, then: Stand next to the tower with the Hold Position key and when the creeps get close start to run backwards until you reach your own wave. If the enemy attacks the tower the tower will fight back, since no one else is hitting it, and you are already far away.
If the fighting is close to your towers attack range then you could lure the creeps by attacking the hero (you don't need to hit him!) and running instantly backwards. This will draw all creeps towards your tower thanks to the simple AI. If you are close enough to the creeps they will attack you, even if you targeted the hero on the other side of the map.

You can see that this trick is pretty useful. Sometimes I start it from halfway between the two towers, and end up farming at my own tower. I haven’t seen anyone do this in games, so I think players don't really know about it. We may receive some hits by luring the creeps, but it is regenerated pretty fast and backtrack might evade it.
Mid Game

It's mid game,you have your treads and MoM.You have a few choices
First choice:Farm neutrals.Go to the jungle and start farming your butterfly.Surely the most save way to get your money.
Second choice:Push the lanes and farm in the time.If you choose this.Always carry a TP scroll so you can escape gangs.This is the
not that save choice but you can still farm.
Third choice:Kill squishy Agi and Int heroes.It's the most dangerous way to get money but its very satisfying way to get money but enemy heroes might come to aid the dieing hero.
And if you're up against a lot of nukers stack mass bracers Or get one urn of shadows

Late Game

Its late game and its time for you to shine.Now you have your Butterfly and Maybe if you farmed enough one more luxury item like Battlefury.Now you can pick off most agi and int heroes without a chrono by perma-bashing them.Its time to push and win.If the enemy team is pushing you can > > And get a double-triple etc kills.So in a nutshell this is the time to push and win the game.
8. Hero's Hero Synergy
Good allies
Lane dominators
Bad allies
Lane dominators

Your enemy's are the same as your ally's, if you get stunned or have a bad early-mid game you can be useless.
9. Hero's Screens and Additional Strategy
Useing timewalk to escape gangs
Here i show how to use timewalk to escape gangs

Here i am getting ganged by Rhasta and Lion.I click on timewalk and aim on the fogged hillThen i'm save and sound.

The range of chronosphere level 3
Here i show the range of chronosphere level 3

10. Conclusion
Void is an fragile agility hero that can be a hardcore carry and hes pretty tanky.
11. Replays
mYm Vs O.K
Sentinel – MYM Scourge – OK
MYM|Maelk (Top) OK|syndereN (Mid)
MYM|PusHer (Top) OK|Smiske (Top)
MYM|Lakost (Mid) OK|13abyKnight (Bot)
MYM|PlaymatE-_^ (Bot) OK|XoYnoZnU (Bot)
MYM|MaNia- (Bot) OK|PapaDrayich (Top)
12. Credits

All credits for the layout go to Ramomar.The credits for the early game lure technic goes to DarkMedinaAnd thank you everyone of my friends that helped my write this guide.All credits to this guide go to me.
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